What is the current state of your bathroom? Might you be planning a bathroom renovation in the near future? These questions are important if you hope to make the most out of what this functional environment has to offer. However, what about the typical lifespan of a bathroom? How long should you wait before changing a current bathroom design? Should bathroom updates occur frequently or is it better to wait until a problem comes to light? These are some of the questions that will be addressed throughout the remainder of this article.
How Long Should a Bathroom Last? The Basics
We first need to keep in mind that every bathroom is different in regards to hardware and furniture. Other issues such as walls, tiling and plumbing must also be taken into account. Thus, the lifespan of a bathroom tends to vary. However, the majority of experts point out that the majority of bathrooms will last between seven and ten years before an upgrade is required.
Having said this, there are two main reasons why you may be considering a change. The first involves sheer functionality. For example, perhaps your bathroom furniture has become damaged over time. Bathroom fixtures and similar hardware might also require an upgrade (such as leaking pipes or poor heating controls). These and similar issues should obviously be addressed sooner as opposed to later if you hope to avoid more serious issues.
The second sign that a bathroom restoration is in order involves its overall appearance and aesthetics. Perhaps it has begun to feel antiquated or outdated (particularly the case with older bathrooms). Or, you could have recently purchased a property and hope to enjoy an eye-catching new bathroom. These are some of the reasons why it could be prudent to consider a bespoke bathroom renovation. Let us now examine some signs that a new bathroom may be a wise option as well as how such a renovation should be tackled by do-it-yourself enthusiasts.
Broken and/or Damaged Equipment
This is arguably the most common reason why a new bathroom design is warranted. We need to remember that bathrooms are required to endure a fair amount of wear and tear. Over time, even the most durable elements will become damaged or otherwise function less than efficiently. There are many examples in this sense.
Numerous floor tiles may have become cracked or even fallen out. A shower enclosure might be showing signs that the acrylic has faded. A bathroom fitted with outdated hardware (such as pipes, taps and valves) may likewise require new solutions in order to address leaks or hard water stains. As a general rule of thumb, it is time to contemplate a bathroom remodel if physical damage is noted. Those who choose to wait could suddenly find that they will pay much more for a project that might have otherwise been completed with few issues.
Keeping Up to Date with the Latest Bathroom Trends
Most bathroom experts agree that an upgrade is warranted if you are unhappy with the appearance of the environment. This can sometimes lead to huge changes such as replacing all existing furniture. It might otherwise involve smaller modifications including new shower curtains, purchasing a trendy lever-operated basin tap or replacing dark tones with neutral colours (such as off-whites and pastels). Either way, this is normally a matter of personal taste.
What to Consider when Performing a Bathroom Upgrade
Now that we have taken a look at some of the reasons why one or more of the elements within your bathroom may need to be replaced or upgraded, how can this project be approached? It is first wise to determine the exact changes that are required. You could otherwise find that a small task quickly becomes overwhelming. This is just as relevant when dealing with a small space as it applies to larger environments such as en suite bathrooms.
It is also prudent to keep the existing layout of the bathroom intact. This will help avoid potentially time-consuming scenarios such as plumbing changes. While a remodel can certainly breathe life into such an environment, familiarity is just as important. This applies to all common elements such as a toilet, a bathtub and a walk-in shower. However, you could still choose to purchase designs that make the most out of a smaller space. Examples include (but are not limited to):
- A corner-fitted shower
- Hidden fixtures
- A double-ended bath
- Wall-hung toilets (to save additional floor space)
The good news is that homeowners can now leverage the full scope of the remodelling industry if they hope to make the most out of the cutting-edge options at their disposal.
Small Changes Can Make a Massive Difference
There is no doubt that larger tasks will be quite challenging to accomplish in a timely fashion. This is even more relevant if you happen to own an older house. While replacing a handful of outdated fixtures could be simple, a project can become much more complicated in the event that a new bath is needed or you must replace a non-functioning toilet. It could therefore be better to focus on smaller elements.
For instance, why not imbue your bathroom with a new flavour with features such as trending bath mats or water-resistant wood flooring? Let’s remember that while a bathroom is highly functional, it should also be thought of as a comfortable place. Cost-effective strategies such as purchasing a set of colour-coordinated towels, opting for a counter-mounted sink or installing brass hardware can all have a massive impact upon the appearance of this environment. Of course, be certain to obtain quality products in order to ensure their overall longevity.
Is it Time to Renovate Your Bathroom?
Might an upgrade be in order? While most bathrooms will last for up to a decade, this will also depend upon other variables such as the amount of users as well as what type of furniture and hardware is currently installed. From smaller projects such as purchasing a damaged shower curtain to more in-depth projects, there is no doubt that the results are well worth the effort. You will be able to provide this room with an entirely new personality in no time at all. Let’s also remember that such renovations can actually increase the value of your home (a concern if you are planning a future sale). As always be sure to refer back to this article for future inspiration.