There are many different types of tubs to consider when outfitting your bathroom. Of course, each of these is associated with its own unique set of benefits. This can still be a rather confusing situation if you are unaware of the available options. Two popular materials to choose from are steel and acrylic.
What are some of the benefits of acrylic baths? Or, might a steel enamel bath represent the most logical choice? There are actually a host of variables to keep in mind and in order to simplify things, our team has put together this quick how-to-guide. Let us now take a closer look.

What is Acrylic and What Types of Benefits Can Acrylic Baths Offer?
Acrylic is a type of lightweight and durable plastic. It enjoys countless uses around the home and it also represents a relatively cost-effective option when compared to more traditional substances such as cast iron or steel. Acrylic baths have been manufactured for decades and thanks to modern design techniques, there are many different models to choose from. So, what are a handful of primary benefits attributed to acrylic baths?
Acrylic is an Extremely Lightweight Material
One advantage of acrylic baths is that they are lightweight and easy to manipulate. Therefore, the installation process is generally streamlined and it will not require a great deal of time. Furthermore, acrylic baths can be used within rooms that may be associated with a weight limit (such as a loft or an attic). This provides them with an additional level of versatility.
Acrylic Baths are Cost-Effective Options
Thanks in part to modern manufacturing techniques, acrylic baths are relatively cheaper when compared to a typical steel bathtub. This is an obvious concern if you are concerned about overstretching a limited budget. You can also choose the exact bath of your preferences based on the types of designs that are offered. This brings us to the next point.
Acrylic Baths Can be Moulded Into Various Shapes and Dimensions
Flexibility is yet another key benefit of acrylic baths. An acrylic bath can be chosen based on its unique design as well as its size. Examples include single-ended baths, double-ended acrylic baths, and even those intended to accommodate two individuals. It is likewise possible to mount an acrylic bath within a specific area of your bathroom (such as an L-shaped enclosure). This is not always an option when referring to a traditional steel bath.
Acrylic Baths are Durable and Strong
Although this is an extremely lightweight material, we need to remember that acrylic baths are extremely strong. They are capable of withstanding an impressive amount of wear and tear. This ensures their longevity and provides you with a more appreciable return on investment (ROI). Acrylic bathtubs will also require little maintenance over the years.
An Added Sense of Warmth
An acrylic bath is unique in the fact that this material provides superior abilities to retain heat. This thermal property signifies that the bath will remain warmer for longer periods of time. Not only will you enjoy a comfortable bath during the colder months of the year, but you can avoid burning fossil fuels to excess; an obvious benefit for the environment.

What are the Advantages of Steel Bathtubs?
While steel and acrylic are both popular choices and available from many top brands such as Roca, RAK Ceramics and Vitra, we should point out that steel tubs offer some alternative advantages. Let us now take a look at why this hardwearing metal alloy is still found in many homes.
A Traditional Sense of Beauty
A steel tub can provide your bathroom with a timeless appeal if you are keen to imbue the environment with Victorian or Edwardian flavours. Steel enamel also boasts a high-gloss sheen that will undoubtedly become the centrepiece of any room. However, this is only the beginning. Note that a steel bath is also resistant to the potentially damaging effects of UV light.
A Natural Raw Material
Some consumers are concerned about their impact on the environment. This is when cast iron and steel baths will offer a slight edge. The production processes associated with acrylic are not necessarily “green” in regard to their impacts on climate change. Unlike acrylic tubs, steel and iron are both sourced from the earth and the refining processes are much less negative.
Steel Retains Warmth for a Significant Amount of Time
In this sense, the term “cold steel” may be a bit of a misnomer. While acrylic and steel are both known for their insulative properties, steel is actually capable of retaining warmth for a longer period of time. This is a massive advantage if you happen to enjoy taking a lengthy soak after a hectic workday.
The Addition of a Beautiful Enamel Coating
Both cast iron and steel models will be coated with high-gloss enamel. There are two main purposes behind this material. First, the enamel is extremely resistant to chipping and scratching. This helps to ensure the longevity of your tub. Enamel also provides the bath with a gleaming white finish and in some cases, you can choose from a variety of tones. Let’s also remember that your steel bath can be paired with a similarly glazed porcelain toilet if you hope to tie the entire room together.

Are There Any Disadvantages to Consider?
Now that we have examined some of the main attributes associated with steel and acrylic baths, what about the possible drawbacks? It is only logical to take a closer look at the other side of the proverbial coin.
Acrylic Models
One possible issue with acrylic involves the chemical composition of this type of plastic. While acrylic is relatively chemical resistant, its colour can still fade over time if you happen to use harsh cleansers. This is not normally the case when referring to steel baths.
A Middle-of-the-Road Option
We have already mentioned that these baths are available in a wide array of styles. However, the material itself is not as luxurious as other options such as a cast-iron model. Those who are keen to embrace a sense of luxury might therefore be slightly disappointed with the end result.
Abrasive Concerns
Certain cleaning agents such as powdered bleach may eventually cause harm to the acrylic material. Users will therefore have to carefully monitor how periodic maintenance tasks are performed. This is normally not an issue in terms of modern steel baths.
Steel Baths
Weight is often a concern when considering steel baths. Some of these can weigh well over 400 kilogrammes, so installation could represent quite a challenge. Furthermore, some homes might not be able to support a steel or cast iron bath. This is why it is important to consult with the manufacturer when deciding if a steel bath is the most appropriate option.
Limited Customisation Options with Steel Baths
Unlike acrylic, designers will have a difficult time engineering bespoke dimensions and configurations. This is why there are only a handful of choices when examining steel baths via an online portal. Thus, a traditional steel bath is likely to represent the most common design.
While acrylic and steel are both appealing options, it should be noted that steel baths tend to be much more expensive. This primarily results from the time required to design a model as well as any associated installation fees. For this reason acrylic may very well be the better choice. Be sure to perform an online search using terms such as “cheap steel baths” to better appreciate the price range.
Steel Baths Versus Acrylic Models: Making the Right Decision
Steel baths and their acrylic counterparts both offer a host of unique benefits as well as some potential drawbacks. This is why it is important to perform a fair amount of research before making your final decision.
There are also other options to consider. For instance, acrylic models can be outfitted with some stunning hardware solutions while a steel bath is often accompanied by a highly durable steel support frame. Take into account the size of the tub that you require as well as your budget. Be sure to compare the prices of at least three different manufacturers. This will provide you with the “big picture” before coming to a final decision.
As always, our team of professionals is here to help if you require further assistance. Are you concerned about the longevity of a steel bath or might you wish to learn more about acrylic design options? These are only two of the issues which our team at Bathroom Planet is more than happy to address.