A great deal of thought needs to take place when designing a bathroom. Examples include hardware, plumbing and tiling. Still, one of the most prominent concerns is the type of toilet that you choose to install. While standard configurations are always available, there are times when ergonomics are a primary concern. This is when the use of a comfort height toilet could prove to be a great choice. However, you might not be familiar with such a concept.
What is a comfort height toilet? Why have comfort height toilets become so popular in recent times? Are there any specific benefits that are not offered by traditional bathroom configurations? Each of these questions warrants a closer look.
The Basic Definition of a Comfort Height Toilet
As you might have already guessed, the main factor which serves to define this type of toilet is associated with its height. These toilets are slightly taller; the seat normally measures between 17 and 19 inches (43 to 48 centimetres from the base of the pan to the top of the seat). This raised height is beneficial for several reasons and these factors will be examined in the following section. Perhaps the most important takeaway point is that comfort height toilets can be used in nearly any bathroom environment imaginable, as they function the same as classic models.
What Advantages do Comfort Height Toilets Have to Offer?
There are actually several reasons why consumers choose a comfort height toilet. The first is associated with mobility issues. There can be times when it is difficult to sit down and stand up; particularly when referring to elderly individuals. The dimensions associated with comfort height toilets make such movements much easier to accomplish. Let us also mention that increased mobility will help to avoid any potential injuries.
Comfort Height Toilets Versus Standard Toilets
Now that we have taken a look at the basics of a comfort height toilet, it is a good idea to compare this version to a traditional configuration. Height will once again come into play. A standard toilet seat is normally 15 inches (38 centimetres) in total height. This is less than the design associated with a comfort height seat (the seat tends to be up to two inches taller). Thus, larger adults may also benefit from the presence of a higher configuration.
Notwithstanding the height of these toilets, there are a few additional differences in terms of hardware and plumbing. This is one of the reasons why they have already been employed without countless Britton bathrooms. Comfort height models can be purchased in a variety of different configurations and this leads us to the next main point.

What Types of Comfort Height Toilets are Available?
A comfort height model can be chosen based on your practical requirements as well as the aesthetics of the bathroom or cloakroom in question. Here are some of the variants to consider:
- Back to wall toilets
- Close-coupled toilets
- Wall-hung models
Back to wall toilets avoid the presence of standard cisterns. A comfort height toilet of this design could therefore be a great choice if you happen to be dealing with a limited amount of space. Another advantage of back to wall toilets is that they help to imbue the room with a decidedly minimalist appeal.
Close-coupled designs are often considered to be the most traditional options, as they are equipped with a cistern that stores water before and after flushing. While they offer a classical appeal, let’s keep in mind that designers such as RAK Ceramics, Heritage Bathrooms, and Ideal Standard offer a massive range of options to choose from. It is therefore easy to accommodate even the most demanding of tastes.
Comfort height wall-hung toilets are yet another possibility. These models are mounted directly to the wall; enabling them to have absolutely no physical footprint. Once again, this range can be used to negotiate smaller spaces (such as cloakrooms). This type of toilet benefits both commercial and domestic settings.

What Should You Consider When Selecting a Raised Height Toilet?
There are several factors to address before deciding which make and model to choose. It can be argued that the most important involves the type of configuration to select (outlined in the previous section). Take practicality into account alongside visual aesthetics such as the design of the pan.
It is thereafter wise to examine the options offered by different brands. Well-known names such as Ideal Standard and RAK Ceramics will provide a kaleidoscope of unique variants. In the event that you are supplying a commercial location, it may also be prudent to open a trade account (this type of contract can offer substantial discounts to contractors).
As taller people will be using this toilet, it is just as crucial to ensuring that there is plenty of headroom available. This may not be as much of a concern in larger spaces, but it could present a problem if the unit is mounted in a corner or the ceilings are noticeably low (sometimes occurring within a loft).
Taller users who also have mobility issues may require further assistance when sitting down or standing up. So, it could be a great idea to pair this toilet with other safety hardware. Examples include non-slip matting around the base of the pan and handrails. Once again, it is often possible to match these accessories with the appearance of the toilet. This will allow you to create a seamless visual appeal.
Are There Any Drawbacks Associated with This Type of Toilet?
While a comfort height toilet is a great option in many cases, we should still point out some potential pitfalls. Perhaps the most relevant involves locations that will be used by shorter adults or small children. It can be slightly difficult to remain comfortable when sitting on a raised pan. Their feet could likewise dangle off of the floor.
A comfort height configuration might not allow the user to sit in a natural squatting position. There can be times when this may lead to constipation. In the event that one’s feet are unable to touch the floor, circulatory issues due to pressure could present themselves from time to time.
Comfort Height Toilets: A Unique Solution for Your Home
We can now see that there are many advantages associated with a raised seat. Still, it is wise to perform additional research to determine if this model is the most appropriate for your needs.