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BC Designs Countertop Basins

BC Designs has been providing quality bathroom furniture and accessories for more than 20 years. During this time, their team has developed some truly cutting-edge products which offer a classical appeal alongside a modern sense of functionality. read more

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BC Designs Countertop Basins

BC Designs has been providing quality bathroom furniture and accessories for more than 20 years. During this time, their team has developed some truly cutting-edge products which offer a classical appeal alongside a modern sense of functionality. Their countertop basins are particularly popular and it is, therefore, a good idea to take a quick look at some of their flagship categories.

BC Designs Copper Countertop Basins

Copper is unique in the fact that it will provide a contemporary bathroom with a sense of warmth that might not be possible with other materials such as porcelain or stainless steel. This countertop basin has been crafted by hand and it represents one of the few examples of how old-world artisans can still create one-of-a-kind items for modern environments. Let us also remember that copper is able to retain a significant amount of heat; important during the colder months of the year.

BC Designs Contemporary Countertop Basins

The Tasse, Kurv and Vive are all included within this category. The Tasse has been cast from a single material; ensuring superior levels of strength and durability. Its proprietary Cian Solid Surface is highly resistant to chipping and scratching, so it is also suitable for high-traffic environments.

The Kurv has been manufactured in a similar manner and yet, its upturned rim combined with an oval shape provides a hint of sensuality. Its curvaceous nature likewise adds a touch of sensuality alongside the same levels of durability that we have come to expect from BC Designs.

The Vive exhibits a rounded rectangular shape and naturally, it has been engineered to stand the test of time. This basin is highly resistant to changes in temperature as well as humidity. However, its stylised edge will supply any modern bathroom with the visual appeal that is desired. 

BC Designs Traditional Countertop Basins

Are you instead more interested in outfitting your bathroom with a more traditional appeal? If so, the Magnus and Bampton countertop basins offered by BC Designs basins offering both represent excellent alternatives.

The Magnus is cast from solid Cian and many have been attracted to what can only be termed its somewhat stately nature. However, soft curves and an understated appeal both enable the Magnus to be just as suited within modern settings.

The Bampton is similar in appearance to the Magnus model. However, one notable difference can be seen in a more pronounced rounded shape. This freestanding basin has likewise been created from a single Cian mould and its bold nature is sure to leave a lasting impression.

These are some examples of the countertop basins currently offered by the team at BC Designs. Please have a closer look at each to better appreciate the finer points.