Product Description
Picking a concealed cistern is an important task. Hidden behind the wall, this is definitely not an element something you want to be fixing again. This is where the quality of this Geberit Sigma concealed cistern comes into its own. From its high-quality plastic construction which helps to prevent rusting on important components. To its durability that ensures function flush after flush for years to come.
There are two models to choose from. With either an 8 or a 12cm cistern. Having the different sizes available gives you a little more options when it comes to adding a cistern within a wall with less depth. Meaning, nearly any installation is possible with a Geberit cistern
Technical Specification
- Manufacturer: Geberit
- Range: Sigma
- Flow Pressure: 0.1 - 10 bar
- Max operating pressure: 25 °C
- Flush volume factory setting: 5.8 and 3 liters
- Flush volume small adjustment range: 2-4 liters
- Material: Plastic
- Additional Information:
- For use in drywall installations
- For part or room-height pre-wall installations
- For use with floorstanding back to wall toilets
- Front actuation
- Fully insulated against condensation
- Flush bend fitted
- Tool-free installation and maintenance
- Rear or top-centre inlet